Hello, friend. 🤍

I'm Lisa Lovelight 

RN, B.Msc

I specialize in helping women with autoimmune disease holistically heal and embark on a profound journey of personal transformation so that they can step into the lives that they know they are truly meant to be living.

Experience + Compassion + Intuition = ✨💫🪄



My journey to helping women heal from autoimmune disease began in an unexpected way.


For years, I worked as a palliative care and hospice RN, witnessing the profound impact I could have on individuals facing the end of their lives. A strong desire began to stir within me. I realized I wanted to make a difference much earlier, empowering women to heal from the struggles of autoimmune disease and create vibrant lives, free from the regrets I often saw.


Through my own awakening to the link between trauma and autoimmune conditions, I embarked on a transformative path of healing. Now, I am overflowing with gratitude for the opportunity to guide other women on their own journeys. Witnessing them heal the effects of trauma, reclaim their health, and forge new, fulfilling paths brings me immense joy.


My approach integrates various holistic modalities like Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT), the Metaphysical Anatomy Technique (MAT), Quantum Coaching, and Hypnosis to address the root causes of autoimmune disease and empower women to heal holistically.


Progress over perfection. 

I understand the power of holding sacred space for those who are ready to step fully into their authentic selves.

Together, we will navigate the depths of healing and create a life that aligns with your true purpose.

Having overcome my own history of trauma and navigating autoimmune disease, I embarked on a personal healing journey that transformed my life in extraordinary ways. I firmly believe that we are more than just physical beings, and neglecting our emotional and spiritual well-being can have far-reaching consequences. Trauma affects every aspect of our lives, from our health and relationships to our creativity and finances. That's why every modality and event I offer combines healing and conscious creation, addressing all dimensions of your being.

After living a very compartmentalized life that was more impacted by my trauma than I realized for a long time, I deeply understand the effects of healing. I am better able to show up for my son, myself, and every other area of my life in a way that never would have been possible before. I am breaking generational cycles and rewriting my future while healing my past. It's one of the greatest joys of my life to be able to help other women do the same.

My mission is to facilitate collective and individual healing.


By aligning with our inner well-being, we become catalysts for miraculous change in our outer reality. Together, we will create a space where past wounds can be healed, vibrant lives can be experienced, and profound transformation can take place. My promise to you is that you will leave our time together changed. 

I am a Spiritual Life Coach & Trauma Release Practitioner.


I am equipped with a diverse range of expertise. I hold a bachelor's degree in Metaphysical Science and am a Certified Metaphysical Anatomy Technique (MAT) Practitioner and Quantum Life Coach & trained in Rapid Resolution Therapy. These qualifications allow me to bring a holistic approach to your healing journey, combining ancient wisdom with modern techniques.


Are you ready to step into your fullest potential and embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery? Let's join hands and illuminate the path towards your most vibrant life.


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